Workout of the Day, WOD – Thurs, 9 Apr 2015




1) Complete the following for time:

9 Burpee to Strict deficit HSPU (10 kg bumper/ 5 kg bumper – depth)

9 Thruster (50 kg / 35 kg)

7 Burpee to Strict deficit HSPU (10 kg bumper/ 5 kg bumper – depth)

7 Thruster […]

By |April 9th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Workout of the Day, WOD – Thurs, 9 Apr 2015

Workout of the Day, WOD – Wed, 8 Apr 2015





1) Complete 4 Rnds of the following for quality:

Max Dips (10 kg / 5 kg)

20 GHD

20 GHD Sit-up


* For Quality but record number of Dips

NB – Scaling – Hallow Rocks/Ab Mat Situp’s and […]

By |April 8th, 2015|Blog, News, Programs, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Workout of the Day, WOD – Wed, 8 Apr 2015

Workout of the Day, WOD – Tues, 7 Apr 2015





1) Complete the following couplet for time:

9 Clean (Squat) & Jerk (any) (90 kg / 54 kg)

100 DU’s

6 Clean (Squat) & Jerk (any) (90 kg / 54 kg)

100 DU’s

3 Clean (Squat) & Jerk (any) (90 […]

By |April 7th, 2015|Blog, News, Programs, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Workout of the Day, WOD – Tues, 7 Apr 2015

Workout of the Day, WOD – Thurs, 2 Apr 2015




1) 20 Min AMRAP:

50 SDHP (24 kg / 16 kg)

25 Pull-up’s


Score = Total Reps


2) Complete the following for time:

50 Box Jump (70 cm / 60 cm)

50 Alternating Pistols


Score […]

By |April 2nd, 2015|Blog, News, Programs, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Workout of the Day, WOD – Thurs, 2 Apr 2015

Workout of the Day, WOD – Wed, 1 Apr 2015



1) Front Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2 (80% of 1 RM)


Complete Every 2nd min (12 min)


Score = Load




2) AMRAP 15 min:

100 DU’s


10 Power Cleans (85 kg […]

By |April 1st, 2015|Blog, News, Programs, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Workout of the Day, WOD – Wed, 1 Apr 2015

Workout of the Day, WOD – Tues, 31 Mar 2015



1) OHS 2-2-2-2-2 (Count sets when loads >80% of 1RM)
Complete every 90 sec’s
Score = Load
2) 8 min AMRAP:
5 Burpee Muscle-up’s (Bar or Rings)
15 Thrusters (43 kg / 30 kg) *If anyone tested late on 15,5 you can substitute with Hang Power Cleans (70 kg / 40 kg)
Score = Total Reps
a) Front Lever – 10 sec […]

By |March 31st, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Workout of the Day, WOD – Tues, 31 Mar 2015