- Featured Video – See the recent highlights videos from each Region at the following links:
- http://games.crossfit.com/video/story-mid-atlantic
- http://games.crossfit.com/video/story-socal
- http://games.crossfit.com/video/story-latin-america
- http://games.crossfit.com/video/story-africa
- (CrossFit, Inc)
- Featured Image – Nicole Seymour, Africa Regional (Image courtesy of CrossFit, Inc.)
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- Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate
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- 1a) Front Squat
- 4-4-4-4-4-4 (65% of 1 RM)
- *Rest 90 sec between repeats
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- then…
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- 2) Tabata the following (20 min):
- Airdyne or Row (calories)
- DU’s
- SDHP (13 kg/20 kg)
- 5 m Shuttle sprint (5 m = 1 rep)
- DU’s
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- Score = Time
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- Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch