- Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate
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- 1) 1 Clean and 2 Split Jerk
- 1,2 – 1,2 – 1,2 – 1,2 – 1,2 (75% 1RM)
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- then…
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- 2) Death by Burpee Pull-up’s:
- 1st min – comlete 1 burpee pull-up
- 2nd min – complete 2 burpee pull-up’s
- 3rd min – complete 3 burpee pull-up’s
- …continue until you can no longer complete the given number of reps in the respective minute!
- If you do not make 7 minutes (i.e. 7 burpee pull-ups), immediately start again at 1 and continue this until you have gone for 15 min.
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- Scaling = 1 burpee then 1 ring row or band assisted pull-up (i.e. seperate burpees and pulling)
- Score = Level ended OR if less than 7 min then total score on the 15 min AMRAP.
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- Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
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- Featured Image – Donald (CrossFit Plett), Nick & Tammy (Xite Fitness), Dave (TRF CrossFit Algoa) and Vic (Xite Fitness) at the CrossFit Knysna event at the Knysna Oyster Festival.