- Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate
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- 1) Event 8 Reebok CrossFit Games 2014 – SPRINT CARRY (http://games.crossfit.com/workouts/games)
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- For time:
- Sprint 100 yards (91,44 m)
- 100-yard (91,44 m) carry (100 / 60 lb. cylinder) (45 kg / 27 kg)
- Sprint 100 yards (91,44 m)
- 100-yard (91,44 m) carry (120 / 80 lb. sandbag) (54 kg / 36 kg)
- Sprint 100 (91,44 m) yards (91,44 m)
- 100-yard (91,44 m) carry (150 / 100 lb. cylinder) (68 kg / 45 kg)
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- Time Cap = 4 min
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- Score = Time OR Time plus 1 sec per rep missed (count each length of 91,44 m as 1 rep)
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- CFEL Scaling on Event 8:
- For Time:
- Sprint 100 yards (91,44 m)
- 100-yard (91,44 m) carry (25 kg + 5 kg BB Plate / 15 kg BB Plate)
- Sprint 100 yards (91,44 m)
- 100-yard (91,44 m) carry (25 kg + 10 kg BB Plate / 20 kg BB Plate)
- Sprint 100 (91,44 m) yards (91,44 m)
- 100-yard (91,44 m) carry (150 / 100 lb. cylinder) (25 kg + 15 kg BB Plate / 20 kg + 10 kg BB Plate)
- *
- Rules:
- 1) The BB plates cannot be held with any part of the hand or fingers in the hole
- 2) The BB plates must be carried on too of the other (i.e. they are not allowed to seperate)
- 3) You cannot pinch grip the BB’s because of Rule 2
- 4) Other than the above you can carry the BB plates in any manner so long as 1-3 are adhered to.
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- Time Cap = 4 min
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- Score = Time OR Time plus 1 sec per rep missed (count each length of 91,44 m as 1 rep)
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- then…
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- 2) Front Squat
- 8-8-8-8-8-8 (75% of 1 RM) – NB: if you missed the 1st week, then do 6 sets of 4 on 65%, if you missed the 2nd week then do 6 sets of 6 on 70%, if you missed the 3rd week then do 6 sets of 8 on 70%; if you missed the 4th wek then do 6 sets of 10 on 70%.
- *Rest 2-3 min between repeats
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- Score = Time
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- then…
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- 3) Practice for remaining time or for a max of 10 min – HS hold with weight transfer from L to R hand and back – 20 reps per set (Advanced can touch opposite shoulder and Intermediate can try lift the hand off the floor)
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- Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
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- Featured Image – Ladies at the start of “The Beach” Event at the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games (Image courtesy of CrossFit, Inc.)