- Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate
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- 1) Event 12 Reebok CrossFit Games 2014 – THICK ‘N QUICK (http://games.crossfit.com/workouts/games)
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- For time:
- 4 rope climbs (6 m) (Or if your rope is shorter, 6 climbs on a 4 m rope)
- 3 overhead squats (245 / 165 lb.) (111 kg / 75 kg OR on 85% of your 1RM OHS)
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- Time Cap: 4 minutes
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- TRF CrossFit Algoa Scaling – 6 Static leg assisted Rope pull-up’s for each ascent OR 6 Rope rows per ascent
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- then…
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- 2) For time:
- 60 clean and jerks (135 / 95 lb.) (61 kg / 43 kg OR 70% of your 1 RM if this value is smaller than 61 kg/43 kg)
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- Time Cap: 7 minutes
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- The event begins 2 minutes after the time cap of Thick ‘n Quick. For class purposes at TRF CrossFit Algoa we will rest longer – approximatel 5 min to set-up barebells.
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- Score = Time
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- 3) Take another 5 min to Complete #2 if you did not finish within the time cap!
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- Time Cap: 5 min
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- Score = additional reps completed
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- Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
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- Featured Image –