1a) Take 20 min to work up to a Max Load on the “Big Clean Complex” – i.e. 1 rep of each of the following:
High Hang Clean, Hang Clean, Clean, Push Press
High Hang Clean, Hang Clean, Clean, Push Jerk
High Hang Clean, Hang Clean, Clean, Split Jerk
Work up to the heaviest load for 12 unbroken reps. You are not allowed to drop the bar and all cleans must be TNG.
* Hang Clean is from the knees
Score = Load
1b) AMRAP the “Big Clean Complex” on 50% of your maximum load for 7 min.
*You are not allowed to drop the bar during a round and all cleans must be TNG. I.e. you can rest at the end of each round.
** If you rest during the round then complete a penalty of 5 HR Burpees.
Score = Total Reps (i.e. 12 reps per round)
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – Neil Maddox on the OHS at the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games (Image courtesy of CrossFit, Inc.)