1) Row 500 m for time, rest 2 min. Complete for 6 repeats (Sub – 50 SDHP on 13kg/20kg)
Score = Time of each interval
2) Complete the following for max load:
20 Strict C2B Pull-up’s
20 Strict Pull-up’s
20 Commando Pull-up’s (UWS Games 2014 Standards)
20 Kipping C2B Pull-up’s
20 Kipping Pull-up’s
* Scaling – appropriate assistance with bands or Ring Rows
** Score = Load (i.e. BW or BW + 5 kg) and Time for each set
** The above WOD is a Compulsory WOD for UWS Athletes!
3) UWS Athletes – Complete 2 Rounds of following for time:
10 Pistols (16 kg / 24 kg) (alternating)
10 HSPU’s (Kipping allowed)
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – Nigel Kingon managing to hit 6 out of 6 strict muscle ups on his first attempt on rings, and nailing pistols on 1st attempt too after just couple weeks of CrossFit.