Reminder about our end of year Christmas function on Thurs, 4 Dec 2014 at Mr Hydes. Time to be confirmed.
Bar Warm-up – OH mobility and Snatch progressions & skill transfer and Filthy Fifty Mvts.
a) Snatch – Take 10 min to work up to a heavy double (Not neccessarily a 2RM) i.e. 2-2-2-2-2-2
b) EMOM – Complete 2 snatch at 80% of this heavy double for 5 min (i.e. 10 reps)
2) Filthy Fifty:
For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
Score = Time
Record your Benchmark Score!
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – This mornings 5:15am lot doing Filthy Fifty, what a way to start the day…for some.