1) Thruster – Take 10 min to find your 3RM.
Score = Load
2) EMOM for 10 min, complete 3 Thrusters at 80% of your 3RM above.
Score = Reps achieved out of a possible 30 reps
3) Complete the following for time:
50 Wall Balls (9,1 kg / 6,3 kg)
Score = Time
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – CrossFit Weightlifting seminar was held at Cape CrossFit this past weekend, I (Rob) managed to attend and learnt some valuable skills that I am eager to pass on to everyone. Coaches JP and Cody were top class, even if all I ever heard from them was “knees back” every single time I lifted, my hammies will never be the same again. These are some great cues that we heard over the weekend. “yay burpees”