1) Complete the following mvts for 10 min. Quality is key….note the number of rounds completed:
L-sit hanging (5 sec)
Skin the Cat (5 sec rear lever hold)
Return to front lever (5 sec)
Scaling – break it up and rest as required (Parallette tuck sit, then assisted skin the cat or assisted inverted tuck hang, then kneeling rear lever hold, then hanging knees up)
2) EMOM AMRAP for 20 min:
Odd min – Single Arm KB Swings (20 kg / 12 kg) (30 sec Left, 30 sec Right)
Even min – Burpees (ensure chest hits ground)
Score = Total KB Swing reps and Total Burpee Reps
NB – Chalk and a tight grip!
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – Julie Fouche on “Double Banger” at the 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games (Image courtesy of CrossFit, Inc.)