1) EMOM for 10 min complete 3 TNG Power Snatches and 3 TNG Squat Snatches on 60% (or 70 kg / 50 kg) of your 1 RM Snatch
Score = Reps achieved out of a possible 60 (note number of Power Snatches vs Squat Snatches completed)
* Last completed 4 Feb 15 – If you scored 60 reps last time, up the load by 2,5 kg, if not repeat and try beat your reps
2) AMRAP the following for 18 min:
3 Muscle-up’s
6 Strict HSPU’s
9 Power Cleans (80 kg / 48 kg)
12 Box Jumps (61 cm / 51 cm)
15 Pull-up’s
18 Wall Balls (9,1 kg / 6,3 kg)
21 DU’s
Score = Reps
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – Kenneth Leverich, on Legless Rope Climbs, winning his Regional at the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games (Image Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.)