Remember Beers @ Bobs Box tonight, 39 Beaconhurst Drive, Beacon Bay. Bring meat, beers and if you insist a salad, bottom button on intercom, house down the back and never mind the horse dog he doesn’t bite unless you try ride him like a pony.
1) Take 15 min to find your max load on the following complex:
6 Deadlifts – 4 Power Cleans – 2 Power Snatches
Score = Load
2b) Complete 2 Rounds of the following for max reps:
Ring Dips – Max Reps Strict
Rest 1 min
Ring Dips – Max Reps Kipping
Rest 1 min
Push-up’s – Max Reps
Rest 1 min
Push-up’s – Max Reps
* Push-up’s are not hand release but ensure your chest touches and that you do not snake at the hips/lower back!
Score = reps for each set and total reps
2b) Tabata DU’s
Score = lowest set of reps
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch