Featured Image – CrossFit HQ’s Sevan Matossian got a backstage interview with Rich Froning and Mat Fraser just minutes before they stepped on the competition floor to compete head to head in the first Open workout of the 2015 Games season.
See the video at: http://games.crossfit.com/video/backstage-froning-and-fraser (Image courtesy of CrossFit, Inc)
This is a long WOD…ensure that you scale appropriately!
1) Complete the following 3 couplets for time:
“Elizabeth ” – 21-15-9 of the following for time:
Squat Clean (61 kg / 43 kg)
Record Your Benchmark Time and Rest precisely 1 min…(TIME CAP ON RUNNING CLOCK 10 min)
Complete 21-15-9 of the following for time:
Strict HSPU
Box jump (61 cm / 51 cm)
Record Your Time and Rest precisely 1 min…(TIME CAP ON RUNNING CLOCK 17 min)
Complete 21-15-9 of the following for time:
Shoulder to Overhead (61 kg / 43 kg)
Burpees (ensure your chest touches the ground)
Record Time…(TIME CAP ON RUNNING CLOCK 30 min)
Score = Individual time for each couplet and total time
* If you hit the time cap for any given couplet then rest precisely 1 min and move onto the next couplet.
** You score is then Time Cap plus 1 sec/rep missed!
2) Tabata Double Unders
Score = Total Reps and Lowest Reps
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch