1) Complete 4 Rnds of the following for quality:
Max Dips (10 kg / 5 kg)
20 GHD
20 GHD Sit-up
* For Quality but record number of Dips
NB – Scaling – Hallow Rocks/Ab Mat Situp’s and Hallow Arches (Some athletes may complete 1 set of GHD and GHD Sit-up’s if they have never performed before!)
Rest as required btwn repeats and for equipment availability!
5) In teams of 3, AMRAP the following for 18 min:
30 Pull-up’s
AMRAP Wall Balls (9,1 kg / 6,3 kg) for a score
AMRAP Alternating DB Snatches (25 kg / 15 kg) for a score
* The athlete completing the Pull-up’s, set’s the time for the athletes on the other 2 movements. They AMRAP those movements for the duration that it takes the first to complete the Pull-up’s. Once the 1st athlete finished, 1 moves to 2, 2 to 3 and 3 moves to 1.
Score = Total Reps for Wall Balls and Alt. DB Snatches
Featured Image – The ladies and Armand enjoying their lunch time sprints with some Kbs swings mixed in.