1a) Snatch – Take 10 min to work up to a max for the day (Not neccessarily a 1RM).
1b) EMOM 6 min – 1 Snatch at 85% of the Max for the day.
Score = Loads
2) AMRAP “The Bear Complex” in the following manner for 12 min:
Min 1-4: On a heavy load (Approx 80% of your 1RM Push Press)
Min 5-8: On a moderate load (Approx 60% of your 1RM Push Press)
Min 9-12: On a lighter load (Approx 40% of your 1RM Push Press)
Score = Total Reps
(I.e. 1 Rep of The Bear Complex entails – Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Press to Rear Rack, Back Squat, Rear Rack Push Press)
3) Side (X) Bridge – 2 x Max Hold times each side
(RX = X bridge; Scaling = straight legs or bent legs)
Score = Max Time
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – Dave demonstrating the full extension we always looking for in our lifts. (Images courtesy of Ruby Wolff from FICT 2015)