1) EMOM for 10 min complete:
1 High Hang Clean, 1 Hang Clean, 1 Clean (65% of 1RM)
Score (in kg) = Reps x Successful Lifts
* High Hang clean is from the “pockets”
* Hang Clean is from the knee
* Clean is from the floor
2) Complete the following for time:
25 T2B
50 Wall Balls
20 T2B
40 Wall Balls
15 T2B
30 Wall Balls
10 T2B
20 Wall Balls
5 T2B
10 Wall Balls
Time Cap 14 min
Score = Time OR Time Cap plus 1 sec/rep missed
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – Sheryl blurring through her press & jerk complex yesterday.