1a) Clean (Power to Max then opt to squat clean) & Jerk – Take 10 min to work up to a max for the day (Not neccessarily a 1RM).
1b) EMOM 6 min – 1 Clean & Jerk at 90% of the Max for the day.
* Power Clean up to a Max Power Clean & Split Jerk. If time is left continue with a Squat Clean on the Clean & Jerk!
Score = Loads
4) Complete the following for time:
30 Clusters (50 kg / 30 kg)
30 Clean (power) & Jerks (push) on (75 kg/ 45 kg) *Add 5-10 kg to your Grace weight if you cannot do Grace Rx’ed.
Score = Time
Scaling for New Members:
30 Thrusters (light-moderate loading)
30 Power Clean and Push Press (light-moderate loading)
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – Tommy Hackenbruck of UTE CrossFit on Thrusters at the South Regional.