1) If you missed The Benchmark workout “Zeus” yesterday, please complete today…
U.S. Army Specialist David E. Hickman, 23, of Greensboro, North Carolina, assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, died on November 14, 2011, in Baghdad, Iraq, from wounds suffered when insurgents detonated an improvised explosive device near his vehicle. He is survived by his wife Calli, parents David and Veronica, and brother Devon.
Three rounds for time of:
30 Wall ball shots, (20 lb/ 14 lb)
30 Sumo deadlift high-pull (75 / 45 i.e. 34kg /20kg)
30 Box jump, (51 cm)
30 Push press (75 / 45 i.e. 34kg /20kg)
Row 30 calories (OR 40 SDHP 20 kg/13 kg)
30 Push-ups
10 Back squat (Body weight)
Score = Time or Time Cap plus 1 sec/rep missed
Time Cap = 30 min
2) Work on your Mobility issues for 10 min – coaches to direct you specifically
For the Rest complete the following…
1b) Take 40 min to find your CrossFit Total. Complete in the following order with as many attempts in the set period.
a) Find your 1 RM Back Squat
b) Find your 1 RM Strict Press
c) Find your 1 RM Deadlift
Warm-up Example…
5 on 40-50% 1RM
3 on 60% 1RM
1 on 75% 1RM
1 on 85% 1RM
Score = a) 1RM for Back Squat, Strict Press and Deadlift
Score = b) CrossFit Total (Sum of highest scores on each)
Scaling – Beginners will find their heavy triple for Back Squat, Strict Press and Deadlift on the 3 above
Compare to norms in class!
CrossFit Total Rankings
based on tables by Kilgore, Rippetoe, et al.
(Aasgaard Co, 2006)
Men’s Class Rankings
Bwt Untrained Novice Intermediate Advanced Elite
114 228 395 468 646 836
123 246 427 510 695 901
132 265 461 546 745 848
148 296 516 618 833 1061
165 322 560 672 906 1149
181 348 604 722 969 1245
198 366 637 764 1017 1305
220 385 671 807 1071 1373
242 402 700 833 1102 1411
275 413 718 856 1128 1441
319 422 733 874 1150 1466
320+ 430 748 891 1169 1494
Women’s Class Rankings
Bwt Untrained Novice Intermediate Advanced Elite
97 134 231 270 370 480
105 143 251 291 400 507
114 155 269 314 426 537
123 164 284 333 452 566
132 173 302 351 473 594
148 190 332 389 520 648
165 206 357 417 560 709
181 220 383 451 598 737
198 237 412 474 630 788
199+ 250 434 506 662 826
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – Rob and John playing handstand walking chicken.