1) OHS 5-5-5-10 (5’s on 75% 1RM leaving every 90 sec; Challenge yourself on the 10 – if you do not have an idea on loading, complete on 60% 1RM)
Score = Loading on 5’s and Loading on 10
2) AMRAP the following for 20 min:
5 Muscle-up’s
Run 200 m
10 Chest to Bar Pull-up’s
Run 200 m
15 Pull-up’s
Run 200 m
5 Strict Deficit HSPU’s (2 x 20 kg bumpers/ 1 x 20 kg bumper)
Run 200 m
10 Kipping HSPU’s (2 x 20 kg bumpers/ 1 x 20 kg bumper)
Run 200 m
15 Kipping HSPU’s
Run 200 m
Score = Total Reps (10 m = 1 rep)
(i.e. 1 Round = 160 reps)
AMRAP the following for 20 min:
5 Pull-up’s (Assisted/Ring Rows) & 5 Dips (Assisted/Ring Rows – hard)
Run 200 m
10 Chest to Bar Pull-up’s (Assisted / Ring Rows – easier)
Run 200 m
15 Pull-up’s (Assisted / Ring Rows – easiest)
Run 200 m
5 Strict HSPU’s (Elastic Jacket/Piked HSPU’s – hard)
Run 200 m
10 Kipping HSPU’s (Elastic Jacket/Piked HSPU’s – easier)
Run 200 m
15 Kipping HSPU’s (Elastic Jacket/Piked HSPU’s – easiest)
Run 200 m
Score = Total Reps (10 m = 1 rep)
(i.e. 1 Round = 160 reps)
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – Verena managing to get her personal bests on the deadlift and back squat from the CrossFit Total WOD last Fri.