Foam Roll/Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate
1A) Take 10 min to work up to a max for the day on the Snatch
1b) EMOM for 6 min complete 1 Snatch (90% of days max)
Score = Loads
2) AMRAP the following (BB – 70kg/49kg 0r 60% 1RM Snatch)
0-1 MIN: AMRAP Power Snatch
1-2 MIN: AMRAP Clean & Jerk
2-4 MIN: AMRAP Power Snatch
4-6 MIN: AMRAP Clean & Jerk
6-9 MIN: AMRAP Power Snatch
9-12 MIN: AMRAP Clean & Jerk
* C& J is a Power Clean and Push Jerk
Score = Total Reps
C-WOD – Please see the class whiteboard. Anyone interested in following this programming
who is not a member of CrossFit Algoa can contact Dave on dave@algoacrossfit.com for
details & fees.
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – Always Fit League “AFL” – Starts Friday 9 October. Registration now open!
See alwaysfitleague.com/ for details!