Foam Roll/Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate




“Filthy Fifty”


For time:

50 Box jump, 24 inch box (61cm/51cm)

50 Jumping pull-ups

50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood (16kg)

Walking Lunge, 50 steps

50 Knees to elbows

50 Push press, 45 pounds (20kg/15kg)

50 Back extensions

50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball (9,1kg/6,3kg)

50 Burpees

50 Double unders


TC = 40 min


Score = Time




Clean (squat) and Split Jerk – Find a max double for the day


Score = Load


EMOM for 5 min – 1 Clean (squat) and Split Jerk (85% of Max Day)


Score = Loads




Scaled Variant of “Filthy Fifty”


For time:

50 Step-up, 24 inch box (51cm/40cm)

50 Ring Rows (feet 1 foot back from overhead bar)

50 Kettlebell swings, (12kg/8kg)

Walking Lunge, 50 steps

50 Sit-up’s

50 Push press, (15kg/7kg)

50 Supermans

50 Wall ball shots, (5kg/3kg)

50 Box Burpees (Push-up portion done on 76cm box and not the floor)

50 Single Unders


TC = 30 min


Score = Time


Featured Image – Well done to Sally Boatwright finishing her 1st Ironman 70.3 and Andrew Wolk on completing his 2nd 70.3