Foam Roll/Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate
1a) OHS 3-3-3-3 (85% 1RM)
Score = Load
1b) 1 x 15 reps (67,5% 1RM – wk3)
Score = Load
2) AMRAP the following for 22 min:
20 Chest to Bar Pull-up’s
50 DU’s
20 BB Facing Burpees
50 SDHP (20kg/13kg) or 500 m Row (10 m = 1 rep)
20 Toes to Bar
Score = Total Reps
Practice (non-fatiguing) the following:
a) Triple Unders – 5 min
b) Front Tuck Lever Hold, Skin the Cat, Rear Tuck Lever Hold – 5 min
c) HS Hold (freestanding w no hand movement) – 5 min
A & B) Score = For Quality
C) Score = max hold time
1a) OHS 3-3-3-3 (85% 1RM)
Score = Load
1b) 1 x 15 reps (67,5% 1RM – wk3)
Score = Load
2) AMRAP the following for 22 min:
20 Pull-up’s – assisted (or Ring Rows)
50 Singles Jumprope
20 BB Facing Burpees
50 SDHP (16kg/10kg) or 500 m Row (10 m = 1 rep)
20 Knees to waits
Score = Total Reps
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – 3, 2, 1 – go . Last weeks morning class doing “Angie”