- The Reebok CrossFit Games starts today….catch all the Live action at: http://games.crossfit.com/
- Reminder – Reebok CrossFit Games Box Camp out – This Friday and Saturday from 18:00 to the next day!
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- Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate
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- 1a) Front Squat
- 10-10-10-10-10-10 (70% of 1 RM) – NB: if you missed the 1st week, then do 6 sets of 4 on 65%, if you missed the 2nd week then do 6 sets of 6 on 70%, if you missed the 3rd week then do 6 sets of 8 on 70%.
- *Rest 2 min between repeats
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- then…
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- 2) In teams of 10 complete the following for time:
- 6000 m Airdyne
- 300 HR Burpees
- 300 DB Power Clean and Push press/push jerk (15 kg / 25 kg each)
- 300 T2B
- 300 Wall Balls (6,3 kg / 9,1 kg)
- * Teams can apportion the reps as they wish. Hint – work in pairs and complete short intervals of high intensity work. Rather rest earlier and keep up a fast pace than blow yourself and slow!
- A max of 5 athletes can work at once…1 on any given exercise! One working 1 resting!
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- Time Cap = 20 min
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- Score = Time or Time plus 1 sec per rep missed (Airdyne 1 rep = 10 m)
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- Featured Image – The start of one of the heats during the 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games ladies Zig-Zag sprint event (Image courtesy of CrossFit, Inc.)