Featured article and Image – Are you following the CrossFit Team Series? Here is a summary of Week 1’s results (http://games.crossfit.com/article/top-10-team-series-week-1)
Lauren Fisher of Team Rogue Red (Image courtesy of CrossFit, Inc.)
View the CrossFit Team Series leaderboard at: https://teamseries.crossfit.com/
1a) Legless Rope Climb (3,7 m)
Time to complete 3 ascents (Scaling – Ascend only 1 or 2 OR 9 Rope Pull-up’s OR 18 Rope Rows)
Rest as required.
Repeat 3 times
1b) Rope Climb (3,7 m) – leg assisted
Time to complete 3 ascents (Scaling – Ascend only 1 or 2 OR 9 Rope Pull-up’s OR 18 Rope Rows)
Rest as required.
Repeat 3 times
2) AMRAP the following for 15 min:
10 m HS Walk (Scaling 30 hand weight transfers while in a HS OR 30 alternating hip touches from a push-up top hold position)
10 Strict T2B (No kipping allowed for Rx but for scaling purposes you can kip or lift knees to chest/hips)
10 HR Burpees
Score = Total rounds and additional reps (on the HS walk 1 m = 1 rep)
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch