1a) 3 Position Power Snatch (1st position – High Hang; 2nd position – Knees; 3rd position – Floor)
** Last completed on 31 July 2014, 28 August 2014 and 25 Sept (Increase load by 1-5 kg)
Score = Load (*Beginners remain at 75% of their power snatch 1 RM or go up 1-5 kg from your previous loading)
1b) 3 Position Snatch (1st position – High Hang; 2nd position – Knees; 3rd position – Floor)
** Last completed on 28 August 2014 and 25 Sept (Increase load by 1-5 kg from your previous loading)
Score = Load (*Beginners remain at 70% of their snatch 1 RM)
2) Complete the following “HSPU Biathlon” for time:
21 Strict HSPU’s
200 m Run
15 Strict HSPU’s
200 m Run
9 Strict HSPU’s
200 m Run
21 Kipping HSPU’s
200 m Run
15 Kipping HSPU’s
200 m Run
9 Kipping HSPU’s
200 m Run
* After going vertical for the HSPU, if your feet touch the ground then you need to complete a penalty run of 50 m. I.e. you can rest in the handstand position.
Time Cap = 15 min
Score = Time or Time Cap plus 1 sec/rep missed
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – Team “Worm Bob Final” at the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games – Shawn won the Masters 40-44 division (Image courtesy of CrossFit, Inc.)