1a) 3 Position Power Snatch (1st position – High Hang; 2nd position – Knees; 3rd position – Floor)
** Last completed on 31 July 2014, 28 August 2014; 25 Sept; 9 Oct (Increase load by 1-5 kg)
Score = Load (*Beginners remain at 75% of their power snatch 1 RM or go up 1-5 kg from your previous loading)
1b) 3 Position Snatch (1st position – High Hang; 2nd position – Knees; 3rd position – Floor)
** Last completed on 28 August 2014; 25 Sept; 9 Oct (Increase load by 1-5 kg from your previous loading)
Score = Load (*Beginners remain at 70% of their snatch 1 RM)
2) Complete the following “Bull’s Eye Wall Ball WOD” for time:
100 Wall Balls (14 lb / 20 lb i.e. 6,3 kg / 9, 1 kg)
but everytime you miss the target (i.e. no rep), drop the ball or stop to rest, you must complete 2 Front Squats as a penalty on 45 kg / 70 kg.
* The barbell must be taken from the floor and not a rack! I.e. Power clean or squat clean up. Squat clean counts as 1 rep!
Score = Time (Also note the number of F/Squats you completed as a score for your error rate)
** The above WOD is a Compulsory WOD for UWS Athletes!
Featured Image – 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games champion Rich Froning, of Cookeville, Tennessee, cleaning 335 lb (151 kg). Photo by Heber Cannon (Image courtesy of CrossFit, Inc.)