1) “Nancy” complete 5 Rounds of the following for time:
400 meter run
15 Overhead squat 95 lbs (25 kg /43 kg)
Score = Time (Record this Benchmark WOD in your books or on Beyond the Whiteboard)
2) Complete the following:
2.1) Ring Dip’s
Max reps – Max reps – Max Reps
* If you do not achieve 30 reps – continue until you hit 30 reps
Score = Total Reps (or number of sets to achieve 30 reps)
2.2) Toes 2 Bar
Max reps – Max reps – Max Reps
* If you do not achieve 30 reps – continue until you hit 30 reps
Score = Total Reps (or number of sets to achieve 30 reps)
2.3) HS Shoulder Taps or HS Hold at Wall
Max Taps/Hold – Max Taps/Hold – Max Taps/Hold
Score = Total Reps (or number of sets to achieve 30 reps)
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – Dave Levey supervising the dreaded “Angie” benchmark workout during lunchtime class yesterday.