1) Clean (squat) – Push Jerk – Split Jerk
1,1,1 – 1,1,1 – 1,1,1 – 1,1,1 – 1,1,1
(i.e. 1 rep each per set – repeat 5 times)
* Last completed 11 Sept and 30 Sept.
* Aim to work up to 83% – 88% of your 1RM Clean & Split Jerk OR Aim to increase your load by 2-5 kg from 11/30 Sept 14.
* Beginners work to a max of 70% if you have a 1RM otherwise work up to a comfortable but safe heavy load.
UWS athletes – complete 1 set at 50%; the 2nd at 60% and the 3rd at 70% of your 1 RM a
2) AMRAP the following for 3 Rounds (15 min):
1 min Alternating DBL Snatches (power) (15 kg / 25 kg)
1 min KB Turkish Sit-up’s – complete 5 on 1 side then change (12 kg / 24 kg)
1 min Bear Crawl in 10 m shuttles (round to the nearest 5 m completed i.e. 1 m = 1 rep)
1 min DB manmakers (5 kg / 10 kg) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMNnvhg1JcM)
1 min rest
As soon as the minute is up, record your score for that minute and move quickly to the next station and start right away for a good score.
Score = Total Reps
UWS Athletes – complete 1 slow round (RPE 6/10) of the above
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – Little bit of midweek motivation