This is a tough WOD…if you are up for a challenge complete it by yourself OR otherwise complete it with a partner, alternating as needed. Rule – both partners must work on any given movement. i.e. one cannot always miss the snatches!
This WOD is completed like the song “The 12 Days of Christmas”. Example: Complete 1 Snatch; then 2 Clean & Jerk and 1 Snatch; then 3 Hang Power Cleans, 2 Clean & Jerk, and 1 Snatch…etc.
“The 12 Day’s of Christmas Box WOD” –
1 Snatch (61 kg / 43 kg)
2 Clean & Jerk (61 kg / 43 kg)
3 Hang Power Cleans (61 / 43 kg)
4 Front Squats (61 / 43 kg)
5 C2B Pull-ups
6 Pistols (alternating sides)
7 KB Swings (32 kg / 24 kg)
8 HR Burpees
9 Over the Box, Box Jumps (61 cm/51 cm)
10 T2B
11 Thrusters (61 kg / 43 kg)
12 Muscle-up’s
For those of you on holiday, The Holiday Version for “The 12 Days of Christmas Hol WOD”:
1 x10 m of HS Walking OR Hold a HS for 20 sec at the wall
2 Squat Jumps (squat and jump as high as you can)
3 HSPU’s
4 x20 m shuttles sprints (i.e. 80 m in total)
5 Pull-ups
6 Pistols (alternating sides)
7 HR Push-up’s
8 HR Burpees
9 Box Jumps (61 cm/51 cm) – use a chair or a bench if you need to
10 T2B – if you cannot find something to hold onto then do sit-ups
11 Air squats
12 Burpee HSPU’s (i.e. lie flat, kickup into a HS at the wall, perform one strict/kipping HSPU then return to the start)
Score = Time
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – Dave popped in to take class while in town visiting.