1a Practice the following for 10 min – Free Standing kipping HSPU’s OR Kipping HSPU’s OR HS Holds
* During the rest complete Thoracic Opening over a wall ball 20 sec x 1
1b Review pistol technique (Scaling – Assisted with rings/elevated feet/bottom to a bench)
2) AMRAP the following for 15 minutes:
1 Rope Climb
3 Strict HSPU’s
6 Alternating Pistols
* 10 reps per round
Score = Total Reps
3) Complete the following for quality:
1 x max set of muscle-up’s OR if you score less than 15 reps complete as many sets as required to get 10 – 15 muscle-ups
*Scaling – Max C2B Pull-up’s and Ring Dips OR Max Pull-up’s and Bar dips OR Max Ring Rows and Parallette Dips (or any scaling in between)
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – Rich Froning and Annie Thorisdottir won their first titles of Fittest on Earth at the 2011 Reebok CrossFit Games.
Watch every individual heat from 2011 on CrossFit’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdWvFCOAvyr1Y66sIEAgVTwJnbWfDrgXh