1) OHS Mobility Sequence with Barbell and Stretches (Bar on knees bottom squat hold 10 sec; OH position hold 10 sec, OHS bottom hold 10 sec x 3 sets then…stretch glutes – knee opp shoulder and shin to chest – 10 sec x 2 each; stretch adductors with bar 10 sec x 3; stretch ankles with 10 kg bumper plate bent knee 10 sec x 3 e; thoracic opening over wall ball with bumper plate 5-10 kg 10 sec x 3; then repeat 1st part of OHS holds with narrowing grip! x 3)
2) Practice HS walking for 10 min (Substitute – HS freestanding; HS Holds at wall; Pike Push-up holds)
3) Practice DU’s 5 min
4) Complete 3 Rounds of the following for time:
5 Power Clean (65% od 1RM)
Run 400 m
Score = Time
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – Check out the stats from 15.3 http://games.crossfit.com/article/153-leaderboard-analysis