1) AMRAP the following for 10 min:
Jog 50 m
3/4 Pace Run 50 m
Score = Distance covered
Tabata (20 s on: 10 s off x 8) the following:
1) BB Facing Burpees
Rest 1 min
2) Box Jumps (61 cm / 51 cm)
Rest 1 min
3) Burpee Bar Muscle-up’s (Scaling Burpee Pull-up’s, otherwise just Ring Rows)
Rest 1 min
4) DU’s
Score = Sum of lowest scores
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – Well done to Janice for getting 2 PBs on 15.4. From never being able to do 1 HSPU she managed to do 3 and also doing 3 reps on 56kg from a previous 1rm of 52kg. Nothing like a bit of coffee, adrenaline and a whole lot of shouting and hollering !!!