1) Complete the following for time:
27 Burpees
27 DB Power Snatch (30 kg / 15 kg)
21 Burpees
21 DB Power Snatch (30 kg / 15 kg)
15 Burpees
15 DB Power Snatch (30 kg / 15 kg)
9 Burpees
9 DB Power Snatch (30 kg / 15 kg)
*Alternate Snatches
Time Cap 10 min
Score = Time OR Time plus 1 sec/rep missed
2) Complete the following for time but quality comes first:
10 Legless Rope Climbs (Substitution – Leg assisted / Rope Pull-up’s or Ring Rows – 60 in total)
100 GHD *Only for those experienced with GHD work (Substitution – 200 hallow arch lifts)
Score = Time
3) With the remaining time…practice HS holds (Freestanding/at wall, coach chooses)
Score = Longest hold time
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – Chael showing us the easiest way to use the Assault Bike.