1) EMOM for 12 min complete the following complex, climbing your load every 2nd min:
1 Power Clean
1 Clean
1 Push Press
1 Push Jerk
1 Split Jerk
* Inrease the loading every 2nd minute!
Score = Max load achieved
Scaling –
EMOM for 12 min complete the following complex, climbing your load every 2nd min:
1 Power Clean
1 Power Clean & Front Squat
2 Push Press
1 Push Jerk
* Inrease the loading every 2nd minute!
Score = Max load achieved
2) Complete the following for time:
21 Cal Row or 28 SDHP (20 kg / 13 kg)
28 DU’s
15 Cal Row or 20 SDHP (20 kg / 13 kg)
15 DU’s
9 Cal Row or 12 SDHP (20 kg / 13 kg)
9 DU’s
Score = Time OR Time Cap plus 1 sec per rep missed
Time Cap 5 min
Complete the following for time:
21 Cal Row or 28 SDHP (16 kg / 5-8 kg)
56 Singles
15 Cal Row or 20 SDHP (16 kg / 5-8 kg)
30 Singles
9 Cal Row or 12 SDHP (16 kg / 5-8 kg)
18 Singles
Score = Time OR Time Cap plus 1 sec per rep missed
Time Cap 5 min
3) AMRAP the following for 4 min:
14 Thrusters (30 kg / 20 kg)
7 Toes to Bar
Score = Total Reps
AMRAP the following for 4 min:
14 Thrusters (20 kg / 10 kg)
10 Knees up OR Ab mat Sit-up’s
Score = Total Reps
Featured Image – This mornings 5am crew, female domination!