DAY 1 of Regionals for the 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games (http://games.crossfit.com/workouts/regionals)
Event 3
For time:
1-mile run (1,6 km)
50 overhead squats (135 / 95 lb. i.e. 61 kg / 43 kg)
100 GHD sit-ups
150 double-unders
50 sumo deadlift high pulls (135 / 95 lb. i.e. 61 kg / 43 kg)
100 box jump overs (24 / 18 in. i.e. 61 cm / 51 cm)
Time cap: 26 minutes
This event begins with the athlete on a starting mat. At the sound of the beep, the athlete moves forward to the treadmill and runs 1 mile. They will then move to the barbell and perform 50 overhead squats (25 at each rep mat), then to the GHD for 100 sit-ups, then to their jump rope for 150 double-unders (75 at each rep mat), then to the barbell for 50 sumo deadlift high pulls (25 at each rep mat), then to the box. After every 20 box jump overs, the athlete will move the box forward to the next designated area. Once the last jump is complete, the athlete moves to the finish mat and the event is complete.
The athlete’s score is his or her total time for completing the event.
For time:
0,6 mile run (960 m)
30 overhead squats (20 kg / 10 kg or appropriate loading)
60 Sit-ups
180 Singles
30 sumo deadlift high pulls (20 kg / 10 kg or appropriate loading)
60 box jump overs (50 cm or appropriate height)
Time cap: 20 minutes
Event 4
For time:
Handstand walk 250 ft. (76,2 m)
Time cap: 3 minutes
Event 5 begins 1 minute and 40 seconds after this event ends.
This event begins with the athlete on a starting mat. At the sound of the beep, the athlete runs 125 feet (38,1 m) to their marker, kicks up and walks 125 feet (38,1 m) on their hands to the green mat, kicks down, then walks 125 feet (38,1 m) on their hands to their marker. When they pass their marker, they will kick down and run to the finish mat where the event is complete.
After the 3-minute time cap, the athletes will have 1 minute and 40 seconds to move to their platforms for Event 5.
The athlete’s score is his or her time for completing the event. If the athlete does not complete the event within the time cap, his or her score will be listed as CAP plus however many 10-foot increments they did not complete, plus an additional rep for not making it to the finish mat.
Time to 100 Reps of a) HS at wall with weight transfers or b) push-up position hold, same side hip touches
* Coaches can decide degree of foot elevation on the push-up’s
then…1 min 40 sec later…
Event 5
1-rep-max snatch
Each athlete will have two 20-second windows to attempt the lift with 80 seconds rest between windows.
After Event 4, the athletes will have 1 minute and 40 seconds to move to their platforms, where this event will begin. Athletes will have a 20-second window to attempt their max snatch, with only two athletes lifting at a time. At the call of “3-2-1 … lift,” the first two athletes may begin their attempts. The snatch must be locked out and completed within the 20-second window prior to the call of “3-2-1 …lift,” for the next set of athletes. After all athletes have made an attempt, each will then have another 20-second window to make another attempt, starting back with the first two athletes and rotating through in the same fashion. Athletes will have 80 seconds rest between their first window and their second window.
Athletes may load the barbell to whatever weight they choose prior to their first window and during their rest period. If a snatch is missed, the athlete may immediately re-attempt, but the lift must be complete before the end of the 20-second window to count.
The athlete’s score is the heaviest weight successfully snatched. or her time for completing the event. If the athlete does not complete the event within the time cap, his or her score will be listed as CAP plus however many 10-foot increments they did not complete, plus an additional rep for not making it to the finish mat.
Power Snatch for beginners (Coaches will monitor for sound technique)
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – A Regional athlete on Event 3’s GHD Sit-up’s last weekend (Image Courtesy of CrossFit, Inc.)