a) Strict Muscle-up’s
Max Reps – Max Reps – Max Reps
Score = Reps for each set
Scaling – C2B Pull-up’s/Ring Rows & Ring/bar/parallette dips (Banded assistance if need)
b) Kipping Muscle-up’s
1 x Max Reps
Score = Reps
Scaling – as for A but kipping allowed
c) Strict deficit HSPU’s (11,4 cm / 7 cm)
Max Reps – Max Reps – Max Reps
Score = Reps for each set
Scaling – Piked HSPU / Assisted HSPU / Reduced depth on the HSPU’s
2) Complete 2 Rounds of the following for time:
100 SDHP (13 kg / 20 kg) OR Row 1 km
25 Alternating Pistols
15 Hang Power Cleans (102 kg/71 kg OR 78% of 1RM)
Time Cap = 15 min
Score = Time or Time cap plus 1 sec/rep missed
Featured Image – The Rookie from the Meridian Regional, Sara Sigmundsdottir placed 3rd at the 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games (Image & facts courtesy of CrossFit, Inc.)