Foam Roll/Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate
If you did not test yoru 1RM Back Squatthen do today:
1a) Back Squat – Take 15 min to find a new 1RM.
Score = Load.
90-100% 1 RM: 5 @ 40-50%; 3 @ 60%; 1 @ 75%; 1 @ 85%
1b) OHS 2-2-10 (3’s on 97% 1RM leaving every 3 min; Challenge yourself on the 10 – if you do not have an idea on loading, complete on 77,5% 1RM, otherwise increase 2-5
kg from last week)
Score = Loading on 2’s and Loading on 10
2) AMRAP the following for 12 min:
30 DU’s
15 Clusters (43kg/30kg)
9 C2B Pull-up’s
6 BB Facing Burpees
3 Muscle-up’s
Score = Total Reps
*Cluster – Squat clean Thruster
Du’s – Singles
Cluster – Reduced loading
C2B Pull-up’s – Pull-up’s / Assisted Pull-up’s / Ring Rows
BB Facing Burpees – Burpees
M-up’s – Pull-ups & Dips
Time Cap = 18 min
Score = Time or Time cap plus 1 sec/rep missed
M-up’s – Pull-ups & Dips
P HSPU – appropriate depth or HSPU/Piked HSPU/Elastic Jacket HSPU
Reduced loading on P Clean, Thrusters & Snatches
Reduced Box height on burpee BJ over’s
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – Jenn Jones comes off the peg board at the 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games (Image & facts courtesy of CrossFit, Inc.)