Foam Roll/Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate




1) Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3 (climbing)


Score = Load




2) Complete the following for time:

9-7-5 Power Clean (80kg/60kg or 70% 1RM)

21-15-9 Box Jump (76cm/61cm)


TC = 5 min


Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed


3) Tabata – Hallow Rock/Hallow lifts


Score = Lowest Score




OHS 5-5-5 (climbing – count sets >70% 1RM)


Score = Load




1) Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3 (climbing, but with no form faults)


Score = Load




2) Complete the following for time:

9-7-5 Power Clean (60% Load for day)

21-15-9 Step-ups (51cm/40cm)


TC = 5 min


Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed


3) Tabata – Hallow crunches (hips and knees 90 deg with arms reaching past knees, crunch forward as you stretch your legs, hold 1 sec and return)


Score = Lowest Score


Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch


Featured Image – Some of us are more machine than others though. Im more of a 50cc scooter when I see some  other athletes power output.