


1) “Angie” – Complete the following for time:


100 Pull-ups

100 Push-ups

100 Sit-ups

100 Squats


Score = Time (Record this Benchmark WOD in your books or on Beyond the Whiteboard)




2) Complete the following on Rings or Parallettes and the Floor:


60 sec of cumulative L-sit (scaling tuck sit or single leg up)

60 sec of cumulative tuck planche (Scaling – less inclination)

60 sec of cumulative X-bridge L

60 sec of cumulative X-bridge R (Scaling – normal side bridge or kneeling X; or kneeling)

30 sec of cumulative Front lever (Scaling – FL 1 leg bent; FL flat back knees bent; FL knee tuck; Hanging knees up)

30 sec of cumulative Rear Lever (Scaling – RL flat back; RL tuck; Rear bridge – knees on faom roller; Rear bridge – on heels)


Time Cap = 12 min


Score = Time to complete the above


3) UWS Athletes Practice HS walking 10 min (or HS holds) – perfect form!


Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch


Featured Image – TEAM REEBOK EAST WINS CROSSFIT TEAM SERIES – Ben Smith, Scott Panchik, Stacie Tovar and Emily Bridgers united to form an unstoppable team placing 1st (Image courtesy of CrossFit, Inc.)