


1) Complete 5 repeats of the following Snatch Complex every 90 sec’s:

1 Snatch Segment Pull (Pause at 2,5 cm, knee, hip, finish); 1 High Hang Snatch; 1 Hang Snatch (knees); 1 Snatch (floor); 1 Snatch Balance

I.e. 5-5-5-5-5 


Score = Load




2) Complete 12-9-6-3 of the following for time:

Power Snatch (75 kg/45 kg OR 70% 1RM)

Burpee Bar Muscle-up


Time Cap 15 min


Score = Time plus 1 sec/rep missed



Complete 12-9-6-3 of the following for time:

Power Snatch (Appropriate loading)


Pull-up’s/Assisted PU’s/Ring Rows

Ring Dip’s/Assisted Ring Dips/Bar Dips/Assisted Bar Dips/Seated Parallettes 


Time Cap 15 min


Score = Time plus 1 sec/rep missed


Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch


Featured Image – Angie practising handstand holds and nailing them.