


1) AMRAP the following for 10 min:

10 C2B Pull-ups

10 Thrusters (45 kg / 27 kg)

10 BB Facing Burpees


Score = Time




2) EMOM for 5 min:

5 Thrusters (80 kg / 48 kg OR 60% of your 1 RM if your thruster is less than 125 kg / 75 kg)


Score = Score out of 30 reps


3) Ring Dips

Max Reps – Max Reps OR keep adding sets until you reach 25 reps


Score = Total Reps


Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch


Featured Image – Full effort expected on 15.1 and 15,1a! See the full article at (Image courtesy of CrossFit Inc.).