


1) EMOM for 14 min:

Odd min’s: complete 7 m Front Rack walking lunge (60 kg/40 kg)

Even min’s: complete 10 KB Swings on a heavy load (i.e. 32 kg – 48 kg / 20 kg – 32 kg)


Score = Totals achieved out of a possible 49 m and 70 reps






AMRAP the following for 5 min:

A) 1st Person – 10 DB Power Snatches (40 kg/20 kg)

B) 2nd Person AMRAPS – BB side on burpees (you must jump over the bar with a vertical body)

C) 3rd Person AMRAPS – 5 m Bear Crawl shuttles


The 1st Person sets the pace of the change over at station A. I.e. Person 2 and 3 AMRAP at their stations (B & C respectively) until person 1 finishes the 10 DB Power Snatches, only then do they change stations and now person 3 sets the pace on the power snatches at station A.


REST 5 min and…

Repeat this workout a 2nd time.


Score = Total Reps for each Round (count 1 m = 1 rep on the bear crawl)



Reduce loading on the DB power snatches


Featured Image – The Meridian Regional (Europe & Africa) top 5 males who made the cut for the Reebok CrossFit Games – Jonne Koski, Björgvin Karl Guðmundsson, Steven Fawcett, Lukas Högberg, & Phil Hesketh (Image courtesy of CrossFit, Inc)