Foam Roll/Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate


1) OHS 3-3-3-10 (3’s on 90% 1RM leaving every 2min; Challenge yourself on the 10 – if you do not have an idea on loading, complete on 72,5% 1RM, otherwise increase 2-5 kg from last week)


Score = Loading on 3’s and Loading on 10




2) Complete the following Sprint Chipper for time:

21 Parallette HSPU’s

15 Clean (power) & Jerks (push) (80 kg / 48 kg OR 60% 1RM)

9 MU’s


Time Cap = 5 min


Score = Time or Time cap plus 1 sec/rep missed




C&J (60% 1RM)

C2B Pull-up’s/Ring Dips OR Pull-up’s/Bar Dips


Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch


Featured Image – Dave giving a kipping pull up and bar muscle up workshop this past Saturday at the box.