Foam Roll/Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate


1a) Practice Pistol Squats

b) max set of pistols


Score = Total Reps


Scaling = see “Lite Program”




2) Complete the following Sprint Chipper for Time:

21 OHS (70kg/45kg)

150 DU’s

9 m HS Walk


TC = 5 min


Score = Time


Rest 5 min


Complete again!


Score = Time




1a) Practice Pistol Squats


b) Scaled Pistols 5-5-5


Score = Note Scaling Level




2)  Complete the following Sprint Chipper for Time:

21 Front Squats (40kg/25kg)

150 Singles

27 Opposite Hip touches from pushup hold


TC = 5 min


Score = Time


Rest 5 min


Complete again!


Score = Time


Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch


Featured Image – Chael showing he can do burpee box jump overs better than dad.