


1) Every 90 seconds complete 1 Power Snatch, 1 Hang Snatch, 1 Snatch for 9 min (6 lifts).

Increase your load each set until you fail or lose good form!

I.e. 3 reps per 90 seconds for 9 minĀ 


Score = Max Load




2) AMRAP the following for 10 min:

10 KB Swings (24 kg / 16 kg)

20 SDHP (20 kg / 13 kg) Or 200 m Row

10 Pull-up’s


Score = Total Reps


3) Practice Pistols for 10 min


Featured Image – We have some Goat Tape in stock for those wanting to tape up their tender hands for 15.4 coming up, you just have to ask.