- Featured Article – http://games.crossfit.com/article/no-holding-back-patrick-burke
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- Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate
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- 1) The Benchmark WOD “Elizabeth” – Complete 21-15-9 of the following for time:
- Clean (43 kg/ 62 kg) – these are squat cleans!
- Ring Dips
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- Score = Time
- **Record your benchmark score in your files for “Elizabeth”
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- then…
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- 2) The Benchmark WOD “Power Elizabeth” – Complete 21-15-9 of the following for time:
- Power Clean (43 kg/ 62 kg) – these are now power cleans
- Ring Dips
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- Score = Time
- **Record your benchmark score in your files for “Power Elizabeth”
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- 3) Accumulate 3 minutes of L-sitting on the rings (scaling – Tuck sit or Parallettes)
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- Featured Image – Brett Aka Captain America demonstrating how to power clean 100kgs with EASE!