- Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate
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- If you missed yesterday, then…
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- 1a) High Hang SnatchÂ
- Take 15 minutes to find your new 1RM
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- OR
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- If you were here then…
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- 1b) Complete the following for time:
- 1) 10 Strict parallette HSPU’s
- Rest 90 sec
- 2) 15 Kipping parallette HSPU’s
- Rest 90 sec
- 3) 20 HSPU’s
- Rest 90 sec
- 4) 25 Kipping HSPU’s
- Rest 90 sec
- * Coach or athlete chooses the parallette depth
- * Break into as many set’s as required
- Scaling – use piked push-up’s of different knee/foot heights
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- then…
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- 2) Complete 150 m EMOM for 10 minutes (i.e. 1500 m in 10 minutes):
- * The aim is to run the 150 m as fast as possible.
- * Record your score in seconds for every 150 m completed
- * If you do not complete the 150 m in 60 sec’s, then skip the next 150 m interval (and take 60 sec’s for that interval)
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- Score = Total distance covered and Total time in sec’s to cover this distance
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- Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
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- Featured Image – Eat clean, lift big and repeat!