- Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate
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- Event 6 Reebok CrossFit Games 2014 – 21-15-9 COMPLEX (http://games.crossfit.com/workouts/games)
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- For time:
- 8 deadlifts (155 / 115 lb.) (70 kg / 52 kg)
- 7 cleans (155 / 115 lb.) (70 kg / 52 kg)
- 6 snatches (155 / 115 lb.) (70 kg / 52 kg)
- 8 pull-ups
- 7 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 6 bar muscle-ups
- 6 deadlifts (155 / 115 lb.) (70 kg / 52 kg)
- 5 cleans (155 / 115 lb.) (70 kg / 52 kg)
- 4 snatches (155 / 115 lb.) (70 kg / 52 kg)
- 6 pull-ups
- 5 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 4 bar muscle-ups
- 4 deadlifts (155 / 115 lb.) (70 kg / 52 kg)
- 3 cleans (155 / 115 lb.) (70 kg / 52 kg)
- 2 snatches (155 / 115 lb.) (70 kg / 52 kg)
- 4 pull-ups
- 3 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 2 bar muscle-ups
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- Time Cap: 7 minutes BUT for our class we will increase this to 10 min
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- Score = Time or Time plus 1 sec/rep missed
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- Scaling – Use the following sequences if you need to scale:
- 1) Ring Rows with various levels of inclination (most upright easiest, most horizontal hardest – Hint record your heels distances in front of or behind the bar)
- 2) Jumping Pull-up’s to Jumping C2B Pull-up’s to Jumping C2B Pull-up’s (but drop height by a 10 kg bumper width) – initial height set so that the elbow joint is in line with the bar when the arm is held vertically overhead)
- 3) Ring Rows to Pull-up’s to C2B Pull-up’s (if needed you can further scale with bands)
- 4) Pull-up’s to strict Pull-up’s to C2B Pull-up’s
- 5) For the BB load scale to 60% of your power snatch or snatch 1 RM (whichever is the heaviest)
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- then…
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- 2) 3 Position Power Snatch (1st position – High Hang; 2nd position – Knees; 3rd position – Floor)
- 3-3-3-3-3
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- Score = Load (*Beginners remain at 70% of their power snatch 1 RM)
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- Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
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- Featured Image – Team’s on the “Big Bob” at the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games (Image courtesy of CrossFit, Inc.)