1) Complete the following for time – 20 RM Front Squat
I.e. Choose arround 65% of your 1RM Front squat for the loading.
Score = Record Loading and Time to complete 20 reps
2) Complete the following for time – 20 Strict Ring Dip’s
Score = Record Loading and Time to complete 20 reps
2a) Complete the following for time:
21 Burpee Box Jumpovers (51 cm / 61 cm)
21 Thrusters (30 kg / 45 kg)
15 Burpee Box Jumpovers (51 cm / 61 cm)
15 Thrusters (30 kg / 45 kg)
9 Burpee Box Jumpovers (51 cm / 61 cm)
9 Thrusters (30 kg / 45 kg)
* Scaling on Burpee Box Jumpovers – use bumper plates to scale for box height
Time Cap = 10 min
Score = Time
** The above WOD is a Compulsory WOD for UWS Athletes!
3) UWS Athletes – 3,7 m rope climb from a seated position (10 ascents; scaling – 5 ascents)
* Competitor using only their arms must pull themselves off the ground
* Once competitor’s legs and feet are off the ground they may then use their legs (on the rope) to assist in the rope climb but their feet MAY NOT TOUCH THE GROUND TO ASSIST
* Competitor must touch the bar that the rope is attached to with both hands alternating before descending
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image & Quote – “The athlete that finishes last often gets cheered louder than the athlete that finishes first.” — Sean Woodland. Image from the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games (Image & Quote courtesy of CrossFit, Inc.)