WU – Bar drills Clean & Split Jerk
1) EMOM for 10 min complete the following for time:
1 Legless Rope Climb (4 m with jump or 3,7 m no jump)
5 Strict Bar Dips (load with weight if neccessary)
Scaling – 1 rope ascent = 6 Rope Pull-up’s = 12 Rope Ring Rows; Dips – used banded assistance or scale to seated parallette dips
Score = Score out of a possible 10 ascents and 50 dips
2) CrossFit Games Regionals – INDIVIDUAL EVENT 2 (2012) (
For time:
Row 2,000 meters
50 One-legged squats (pistols), alternating
30 Hang cleans (225 / 135 lbs i.e. 102 kg / 61 kg)
Time Cap = 17 min
Score = Time or Time Cap plus 1 sec/rep missed
Featured Image – The joys of getting your first bar muscle up, with only about month CrossFit training too, very impressive Andrew “Soldier Boy” Payne